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далее и в дальнейшем нарастало. Представленные данные являются принципиально новыми и крайне важными: они расширяют представления о патогенезе атеросклероза и его осложнений, дозволяют по-новому взглянуть на проблему профилактики СД и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний у больных с НТГ. Длительные исследования акарбозы у больных СД 2 типа подтверждает не только ее эффективность, но и полную безопасность [26,30]. 1 Chiasson J -L , Joss R et al Acarbose treatment and the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension in patients with impaired glucose tolerance The STOPNIDDM trial JAMA, 2003, 290 (4), 486-490 2 Matthaei S , Stumvoll M Kellerer M . Hanng H Pathophysiological treatment of msulin resistance Endocrine Reviews, 2000, 21 (6), 585 3 Laube H Acarbose An update of its therapeutic use in diabetes treatment dm Drug Invest, 2002, 22 (3) 141-156 4 Hanefeld M , Koehler С et al Insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity pattern is different in isolated impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose the nsk factor in impaired glucose tolerance for atherosclerosis and diabetes study Diabetes Care 2003, 26 (3), 868-874 5 Hanefeld M , Temelkova-Kurktschiev T Impaired fasting glucose is not a nsk factor for atherosclerosis Diabetes Med 1999,16(3) 212-218 6 Hanefeld M , Temelkova-Kurktschiev T Control of post-prandial hyperglycemia an essential part of good diabetes treatment and prevention of cardiovascular complications Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2002, 12 (2), 98-107 7 Donahue R , Abbott R , Reed D , Yano К Postchallenge glucose concentration and coronary heart disease in men of Japanese ancestry Honolulu Heart Program Diabetes, 1987, 36, 689-692 8 DECODE Studio Group Glucose tolerance and cardiovascular mortality, comparison of fasting and 2-hour diagnostic criteria Arch Intern Med , 2001, 161, 397-404 9 Tommaga M et al Impaired glucose tolerance is a nsk factor for cardiovascular «disease, but not impaired fasting glucose, the Funagata Diabetes Study Dab Care, 1999 22 920-924 10 Lebowitz H Glucosidase inhibitors - an agents in the treatment of diabetes Diabetes Review, 1998, 6 (2), 132-145 11 Kuboki К et al Regulation of endothelial constitutive nitnc oxide synthase gene expression in endothelial cells and in vivo Circulation 2004 101(6) 676-694 12 Nappo F , Esposito К et al Postprandial endothelial activation in healthy subjects and in type 2 diabetic patients role of fat and carbohydrate meals. JACC, 2002, 39 1145-1150 13 Jiang G Zhang В Glucagon and regulation of glucose metabolism Endocnnol Metab , 2003, 284 (4), 671-678 14 Drucker D Mimreview the glucagon-hke peptides Endocnnology, 2000, 142 (2), 521-527 15 Но1г G , Chepumy 0 Glucagon-hke peptide-1 synthetic analogs new therapeutic agents for use in the treatment of diabetes melhtus Curr Med Chem , 2003, 10(22), 2471-2483 16 Nielsen L , Young A , Parkes D Pharmacology of exenatide (synthetic exendm-4 a potential therapeutic for improved glycemic control of type 2 diabetes Regulatory Peptides 2004 далее ...