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читать далее ... nical profile of fosinopnl, a novel phosphimc acid ACE inhibitor, for the treatment of heart failure Heart Failure 1995, 113 5 Levmson В, Graney WF, DeVaultAR et al Age is not reason for dose adjustment for fosinopnl in hypertension [abstract 1029]AmJHypertens 1989, May2(pt2) 8A 6 Tatti P, Pahor M, Bymgton Ftp et al Outcome results of the fosinipnl i/s arnlodipme cardiovascular events randomized trial (FACET) in patients with hypertension and NIDDM - Diabetes Care -1998, 21 597-603 7 O'Grady P, Yee KF, Lins R, Mangold В Fosmopril/hydrochloroth/aade single dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics // Brit J С/от Pharmacology -1999 - Vol 48 -P 375-381 8 Olivier P В, Germain M L, Carette BO etal Elevation of serum creatimne following fosinopnl therapy//Ann Pharmacother -1999 - Vol 33 -P 382-383 9 Berdah J Guest M, Salvador M Study of the efficacy and safety of fosinopnl in general practice in 19 435 hypertensive patients (FLIGHT Study) // Ann Cardiol Angiol -1998 - Vol 47 -P 169-175 10 Вершинина A M ГапонП И.ВеберЭ Е.Попова С Н,ПлюснинА В. Терапевтический архив №4 2005 11 Asselbergs F W, Diercks GFH, Hillege Hi, etal, for the Prevention of Renal and Vascular Endstage Disease Intervention Trial (PFSEVEND IT) Investigators Effects of fosinopnl and pravastatin on cardiovascular events in subjects with microalbuminuna Circulation 2004, 110 2809-2816 12 Журнал «Сердечная Недостаточность" «Российские программы оценки эффективности лечения фозиноприлом больных с артериальной гипертонией и сердечной недостаточностью Проект ТРИ Ф (ФЛАГ, ФАСОН, ФАГОТ)», сентябрь том 4,№5 2003 г. 13 ZanchettiA, Crepaldi G, Bond MG etal Different effects of ant/hypertensive regimens based on fosinopnl or hydrochlorothiazide with or without lipid lowering by pravastatin on progression of asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis principal results ofPHYLLIS - a randomized double-blind trial Stroke 2004, 35 2807-12 14 David D, Jallad N, Germmo FW etal A comparison of the cough profile of fosinopnl in hypertensive patients with a history of ACE inhibitor-associated cough Am J Ther 1995, Oct (2) 806-3 15 Wilson PW, Cupples CF, Kannel WB Is hyperglycemia associated with cardiovascular disease? The Frammgham Study - Amer Heart J 1991 121 586-90 16 Tuomilehto J Rastenyte D, Birkenhager WH et al Effects of calcium-channel bkockade in older patients with diabetes and systolic hypertention 17 Brown MJ, Castaigne A ,de Leeuw P W, etal Influence of diabetes and type of hypertension on response to antihypertensive treatment Hypertension 2000, 35 1038-1042.Источник: Краснова Е.А. Русский медицинский журнал. 2006. Т.14. №4. С.230-233

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