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далее ческое значение, нужно ли проводить лечение больным с минимальной резидуальной болезнью, если да, то какое, и т. д. Стоит полагать, что в недалеком будущем в онкологии и гематологии будут разработаны стандартные алгоритмы диагностики и принципы ведения больных с минимальной резидуальной болезнью. ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Andersen M.S., Donovan J.W., Borus J.S. et at. Failure of inrrmunologic purging in mantle cell lymphoma assessed by PCR detection of MRD // Blood,—1997.— Vol. 90.-P. 4212-4221. 2. Basecke J., JIussi M., Cepek L. AML1/ETO is transcribed in the cord blood and bone marrow of healthy individuals // Abstr. Amer. Soc. Hematol., 41sh Annual Meeting.—New-Orleans, 1999.—N 2920. 3. Bornstein R., Auray C., Martinez A. et al. Number of bcl-2/J^-positive cells assessed by quantitative PCR correlates with relapse after autologous stem cell transplantation in follicular lymphoma patients // Ibid.—N4291. 4. Bose S., Doininger M., Gora-Tybor J. et al. The presence of typical and atypical BCR-ABL fusion gene in leukocytes of normal individuals: biological significance and implications for the assessment of MRD // Blood.-1998.-Vol. 92.-P. 3362-3367. 5. Cabanillas F., Lopez-Guillermo A., McLaughlin P. et al. Clinical significance of a molecular relapse in patients with follicular lymphoma who achieve a molecular response // Abstr. Amer. Soc. Hematol., 41sh Annual Meeting.—New-Orleans, 1999.—N 2663. 6. Campana D., Pui Ch.-H. Detection of minimal residual disease in acute leukemia: methodological advances and clinical significance // Blood.-1995.-Vol. 85.— P.1416-1434. 7. Cimino G., Elia L., Rivolta A. et al. Clinical relevance of residual disease monitoring by polymerase chain reaction in patients with ALL-1/AF-4 positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia // Brit. J. Haematol.— 1996.—Vol. 92.—P. 659-664. 8. Corradini P. PCR-based evaluation of residual tumor cells after high-dose chemotherapy: comparison between peripheral blood progenitor cells and bone marrow harvests // Abstr. Amer. Soc. Hematol. 38th Annual Meeting.—Orlando, 1996.—N 3731. 9. Corradini P. PCR-based monitoring of residual myeloma cells in patients in complete remission after highdose chemotherapy and allogenic or autologous transplantation of hematopoietic cells // 27 Congress Int. Soc. Haematol. and 3 Congress Europ. Haematol. Association.—Amsterdam, 1998.—N 4448. 10. Corradini P., Astolfi M., Cherasco C. etal. Molecular monitoring of MRD in follicular and mantle cell nonHodgkin's lymphomas treated with high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood progenitor cell autografting // Blood.-1997.-Vol. 89.—P. 724-731. 11. Corradini P., Voenna C., Astolfi M. et al. High-dose chemoradiotherapy in multiple myeloma: residual tumor cells are detectable in bone marrow and peripheral blood cell harvests and after autografting // Ibid.— 1995.-Vol. 85.-P. 1596-1602, 12. Coyle LA., Paraioannou M., Yaxley J.C. et al. Molecular analysis of the leukemic В cell in adult and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia // далее ...